‘‘It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to understand a thought without accepting it.’
Religious Education Vision
Nook Lane provides a Religious Education curriculum which encourages children to have enquiring minds and open hearts. It has enquiry at its core, and promotes investigation, reasoning, reflection and debate on key issues in the modern world. In this way, it promotes understanding of the rights and responsibilities of citizens locally and globally, and helps prepare children for the challenges of a multicultural world in which religion figures significantly.
Nook Lane pupils listening to the speaker at the Hindu temple.
Our Curriculum
Children at Nook lane explore a variety of of religions using enquiry-led planning based on the Discovery RE scheme, allied to The Agreed Syllabus for RE in Sheffield. Throughout their learning, children will develop an in-depth understanding of the following concepts that are continually returned to and discussed within each unit of learning: morality, worship, belief, tradition and transcendence.
We encourage our pupils to visit different places of worship to gain an understanding of different beliefs and practices. Children at Nook Lane have enjoyed visits to the Church in Stannington, Mosque and Synagogue. In this picture, the children enjoyed visiting the Hindu Mandir.
How we do it…
To make sure children get a depth of RE learning, we make sure each year group looks at a range of aspects to religions eg: special places, rites and rituals, celebrations and festivals and leaders and teachings. Work is expressed through art, story telling, songs and where appropriate visits and visitors so children can experience first hand the importance of their own and others’ religions. We allow children at Nook Lane to explore their own ideas on faith and what it means to have or not have a faith.
Low-stakes quizes
R.E. overview of learning
R.E. units have been mapped out across the year to ensure children cover the appropriate curriculum.
R.E. Leadership
If you have any questions about our history curriculum, please contact Mr Walsh our R.E. leader.