Prior to starting at Nook Lane Junior School, we ask that all parties (headteacher, parent/carer and child) read and sign the whole-school agreement below:

At Nook Lane we will do our best to:


  • provide a caring and safe environment in which learning can take place, including taking sensible precautions to enable children to work safely on the internet;

  • provide a balanced curriculum and meet the individual needs of your child;

  • encourage your child to do his/her best at all times, both academically and socially;

  • contact you if we have any concerns about your child’s attendance, work or behaviour;

  • discuss your child’s progress at parents’ evenings and in an annual report;

  • keep you informed of school activities through newsletters and notices about special events;

  • encourage your child to demonstrate Nook Lane’s core values as listed below:

    We are inclusive and respect difference and diversity;

    We are friendly, caring and polite and work together cooperatively;

    We are organised, independent and ready to learn;

    We are determined, we persevere and we are resilient;

    We have a voice and we listen to others;

    We know ourselves and can reflect on our behaviour and learning

Headteacher’s Signature :………………………………………………………………

The family will do its best to:


  • make sure our child attends regularly and punctually, contacting the school if she/he is absent;

  • contact the school if there are any concerns or problems which might affect our child’s work or behaviour;

  • support our child with homework;

  • attend parents’ evenings to discuss our child’s progress;

  • participate, whenever possible, in other aspects of school life;

  • encourage our child to adopt safe use of the internet and digital technologies at home and promote positive, safe and responsible behaviour on the internet.

Parent/carer’s Signature :………………………………………………………………

 I will do my best to follow the school’s core values:


We are inclusive and respect difference and diversity;

We are friendly, caring and polite and work together cooperatively;

We are organised, independent and ready to learn;

We are determined, we persevere and we are resilient;

We have a voice and we listen to others;

We know ourselves and can reflect on our behaviour and learning.


 Child’s signature: ……………………………………………………