Our Governing Board
Aim of the Governing Body
School governing bodies are one of the largest volunteer groups in the country and their main responsibilities are to help set the policies and targets for achieving the schools aims and objectives and to monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achieving these. All governors attend the full governing body meetings that take place at least twice per term and also sit on a number of committees that focus on specific areas of the school such as “Finance and Staffing” or “Buildings, Health and Safety”. Each governor also has a link role which means they take a lead on understanding a particular area of the school improvement plan to ensure it is progressing as expected.
Diane Shaw
I was elected parent governor at Nook Lane in 2008 and I am now a co-opted governor. I have been chair since 2014. I live in Stannington with my husband and 2 children. My children both attended Nook Lane and are now in secondary education and beyond. I have worked in professional and managerial roles in IT in both the public and private sector for over 20 years. I am currently a Business Analysis Manager at a Sheffield-based telecommunications company.
Ian Gilbert
I live in Stannington with my wife and 2 children, who have both progressed through Nook Lane Junior School.
I am an Associate Manager at a national law firm where I have a diverse role involving me regularly attending court to represent seriously injured clients, working with solicitors. I develop case plans and budgets so as to best support our clients, as well as delivering training sessions nationally and developing my own teams.
I jumped at the chance to become a parent governor when the opportunity arose so as to try and help maintain the high standards set by the school and to support what I consider to be a really important part of the community.
Steve Arbon-Davis
I qualified as a teacher in 2001 and I started my teaching career at Arbourthorne Junior School and then in Arbourthorne Primary following the amalgamation with Arbourthorne Infant and Nursery School. I thoroughly enjoyed my job at Arbourthorne in my various roles as a Key Stage 2 class teacher, English leader, Upper Key Stage 2 leader, SENCO and then Deputy Headteacher.
I was appointed as Headteacher at Nook Lane Junior School in the summer of 2009 and I started in post in January 2010. I love working at Nook Lane. My goal is that every child at Nook Lane is happy and fulfilled and develops a love for learning.
I believe that being a Headteacher is chiefly about serving the local and wider community. During the selection process for my job, I said that I wanted to, "put down some roots and commit to the school community." I feel that I have been true to my word and I look forward to leading the school in the coming years.
Bob Cuff
I’ve always been humbled by the educational provision delivered, so passionately, by the staff at Nook Lane. They say it takes a village to raise a child and my children – all of whom attended Nook Lane - were nurtured; supported; challenged and championed by the amazing teachers and leaders. I have always felt that Nook Lane is an extended family member of Stannington helping raise our children. We’re forever indebted. As such, I wanted to return the ‘thanks’ and be part of the team that nurtures; supports; challenges and champions our community’s children. We are truly lucky in this area of S6 to have the breadth and depth of talent in your children also. These amazing pupils are our succession. As they take their steps into an unknown world, I’m confident that they’re in the best place possible to build their foundations in order to achieve their hopes and dreams. If I can help be a part of a team to ensure this continues over the years to come, that’d be a privilege.
Liz Harris
My name is Liz Harris and I am Deputy Headteacher at Stannington Infant School which feeds into Nook Lane.
I have worked at Stannington Infant School for 9 years and have been on Nook Lane's Governing Body for the same length of time. Before that I worked at a Primary School in Derbyshire. Being part of both Stannington and Nook Lane's Governing Body helps to strengthen the links between both schools and make the transition from one school to another as seamless as possible.
Andy Kerr
My name is Andy Kerr. I have been a governor at Nook Lane for approximately 10 years both as a parent governor and now as a link governor.
All three of our children have been pupils at the school.
I have previously worked for the local authority within the education department with particular focus on school attendance and attainment monitoring and due to this experience I am currently volunteering as the link governor for attendance and attainment data.
Kelly Hood
Hi. I’m Kelly Hood, mother to a son at Nook Lane. I am incredibly passionate about our school. I am super enthusiastic when it comes to all areas of our children’s learning & wellbeing and keen to provide a stable link between the parents and the way the school is run. I feel it is incredibly important that the parents have a clear voice and can have their points and views put across whenever possible.
I have taken on an active role with the school’s PTA and am enjoying helping plan fun events and crucial fundraising for the upcoming school year. I am a keen organiser, having set up the year groups’ Facebook and WhatsApp channels. I am a strong communicator, a good listener, with skills crucial to my career as a wedding planner and blogger. As such, I am highly organised and efficient. As Parent Governor, I will make sure that all views are heard and you will find me approachable when you, as parents, have an issue that needs to be raised.
I am fair, level headed and enjoy the process of decision making. Nook Lane is a brilliant school and I want to make sure that I can help in whatever way I can.
Jonathan Cooper
Jonathan is a Chartered Valuation Surveyor working within the Civil Service. He is also fluent in Spanish and has voluntarily taught the subject at Nook lane and Stannington Infants. He has a daughter at Nook Lane and another who is just starting Stannington Infants. He likes getting out on his bike on the hills of S6 and he also enjoys watching good quality football.