“Maths, where the answer is only the beginning.”

- M Schleppenbach

Maths vision

We love maths at Nook Lane Junior School! We encourage pupils to develop a positive attitude towards number enabling all children to approach the subject with confidence, understanding and pleasure. Using a mastery curriculum, following the White Rose Maths scheme, it is our intention that children acquire the fundamentals through varied and fluent practice. This will enable them to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.

We inspire children to reason mathematically and to become critical thinkers by following a line of enquiry, building arguments and proving. We encourage pupils to solve problems, share their own ideas and to communicate in a variety of different ways. Children develop mathematical skill through a concrete - pictorial - abstract approach to maths so they have a deep understanding of what they are learning about.

Developing mathematicians

Concrete: children are introduced to new learning through concrete apparatus such as counters, dienes, Numicon and Cuisenaire rods.

Pictorial: Children move onto pictorial models and images such as hundred squares, bar models and number lines.

Abstract: Once the children are secure in their understanding of a concept, they will begin to use more formal methods of recording a calculation e.g. formal addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

We ensure that children recognise that maths is inter-connected so that they are able to move fluently between different representations of mathematical ideas in maths lessons and across the curriculum.

We aim to create vocabulary-rich environments where children are encouraged to justify and reason in full sentences and teachers remedy misconceptions where they arise. At Nook Lane Junior School, we are passionate about children becoming life-long mathematicians who are equipped with the knowledge needed to be successful citizens within their community, both as children and in the future as adults at work and at home.


Children at Nook Lane will have a high level of academic success. The vast majority of our pupils achieve national expectations and a significant proportion of our pupils exceed them. Relative to their starting points, our children make good progress.

Pupils have a deep understanding of the primary maths national curriculum as they have been taught lessons that are connected and build progressively from one year group to the next. They will be able to successfully reason and justify their answers and ideas.

Children leave Nook Lane as fluent mathematicians and are able to confidently apply their mathematical knowledge and understanding to a range of problems rapidly and accurately. They will have committed mathematical concepts and strategies to long term memory in order to aid recall. 

The vast majority of children will have learnt all their times tables by the end of Y4 and will be able to use these to solve problems rapidly.

Children will be confident at using resources and drawings to explain their mathematical thinking, proving that they understand how an answer is derived.

Children can talk with confidence, using mathematical vocabulary, in order to justify and prove their methodology to themselves and others.

Learners recognise and enjoy using maths across the curriculum.

Overviews of learning

Maths Leadership

If you have any questions about our maths curriculum, please contact Mrs Bullen, our maths leader.