
At Nook Lane Junior School we are passionate about our vision which we aim to weave into everything that we do. A key aspect of our curriculum intent is to promote our vision; we ensure that when we design lessons, we make links to these statements as well as subject-specific intentions.

Core Values

Our core values are designed to support our vision in a child-friendly way encouraging our children to develop positive attitudes, behaviours and mind-sets so children can be successful learners and citizens; they will be a focus for our children within lessons and across school so they are ‘lived and not laminated’.

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is designed to support and promote our school vision. Where relevant, we make links when designing lessons to the 6 key strands so the vision is embedded into our curriculum.

Our curriculum is carefully designed so that we also make conscious links to subject-specific curriculum intentions within our lessons to ensure that children are developing key knowledge, skills and concepts in an organised and progressive way within each subject.

Our curriculum is broad and balanced covering the national curriculum and more with each subject organised in a way that carefully sequences learning aiding children’s long-term memory.

Our curriculum also promotes our child-friendly core values which are designed to promote our vision in a child-friendly way encouraging our children to develop positive attitudes, behaviours and mind-sets so children can be successful learners and citizens.

Our curriculum is adapted for pupils with Special Educational Needs enabling learners to access their learning in a variety of ways in order to overcome barriers and achieve success.

Our curriculum responds to findings from pupil feedback and is adjusted to reflect pupil voice.

Our curriculum is designed to enable pupils to achieve academic success.

Our curriculum is engaging, inspiring, relevant, inclusive and memorable; it is designed to make learning irresistible and is ambitious for all pupils.

Curriculum Implementation

We deliver learning using a thematic approach making strong links between the theme driver subject and English, Art, Design, Science and dance. Linking the theme driver subject to our writing helps the children to develop a deep knowledge and vocabulary which can be transferred into their writing.

R.E. is taught discreetly using an enquiry-based scheme called Discovery R.E. Our R.E. lessons encourage debate and discussion, developing children’s philosophy for learning skills.

Music is mainly taught using our scheme called ‘Charanga’ although some units are embedded into themes.

Outdoor P.E. is delivered each week building fundamental skills within a range of different sports. Outdoor P.E. units are linked to competitions; we encourage every child in school to take part in some form of competition during their time at Nook Lane.

Indoor P.E. is delivered weekly focusing mainly on dance and gym. Where appropriate, dance is linked to theme.

Computing lessons take place in our computing suite each week with children being taught basic skills, computational thinking, networking, online safety, programing and presenting information and managing data.

History and geography are often the main drivers for themes with children developing key knowledge, skills and concepts that have been carefuly sequenced.

Science also features as a theme driver in each year group, and where appropriate, links to the theme. When thematic links are not the best way to deliver Science lessons, it is taught descretely.

PSCHE is delivered each week focusing on self-regulation and metacognition, relationships, living in the wider community and health and well-being.

To structure the sequence and progression in maths, we use White Rose Maths – a curriculum designed to develop mastery and build long-term memory.

Across a term, weekly reading sessions focus on developing reading skills using our reading superheroes and completeing a book study to apply the skills that have been developed.

Our pupil curriculum groups provide children with a voice where children can feedback on their learning in every subject and suggest improvements to curriculum delivery and design.

Every subject has a progression map detailing the key knowledge, skills and concepts and the order in which children will learn and develop these. Please visit our subject pages on the website to view these.

We are currently developing subject overviews for each unit of work which make clear lesson sequence. They are designed to ensure progression within each subject, long-term memory, vocabulary development and a variety of learning challenges that target different levels of cognition.

Desired Impact

Children’s attainment and progress is above average in reading, writing and maths.

Children have developed a passion for learning and are ready to take the next step to secondary school; they have ambitions to fulfil.

Children are inclusive and respect difference and diversity across cultures and religions. They value the importance of equality and a multicultural society.

Children are successful learners who have achieved their full potential and developed positive learning habits; they have the strategies to take control of their learning and emotions so they can continue to succeed in the future.

Children look back on their time at Nook Lane with fond memories, recalling the positive experiences and memories that have been made.

Children can express themselves with confidence respecting the opinions of others; they will value the importance of democracy and the power that one voice can have.

Children are emotionally intelligent and have the strategies to monitor and look after their well-being; they know how to keep physically healthy and pursue physical activities that they are interested in.

Children understand the importance of being part of a community and they will have developed the attributes needed to contribute in a positive, respectful way caring for and supporting others to live harmoniously